Sales Kit


The Market is look like the filed in which the salesmen of all the companies are in it, the one who can win is the one who has been prepared in a good way and also who has Been provided with the necessary tools to complete the task

IMC shall prepare and design the salesman tools as;

  • Sales Book :

Its purpose is to strengthen the salesman information and provide his skills in the product presentation or service, the most important information contained is:

  • - Information about the company such as; the history, the policy, the products or    services, the important customers & the success stories
  • -  Information about sales art and how to arrange visits, how to notify the client in    advance , how to start talking & how to end the interview for the company ......etc
  • Flyers & Brochures
  • Catalogues & Albums
  • Electronic Catalogue
  • Companies presentation CD