Advertising Campaigns


Advertising Campaigns: is a chain of advertisements that collected one goal and it’s aimed a specific audience, it is based on over a period of time to achieve the company's goal of this campaign, which could be launching a new product or promote an image or an old sales product to work on changing or strengthen the company's image and product in the audience minds of the announcing target.

      • Newsletters Ads
      • Magazines Ads
      • Trade Journals
      • Direct mail
      • E-Mail
      • Outdoor Ads
      • TV Ads
      • Radio Ads

Planning ad campaign Steps and stages;

1- Market analysis and gathering information
2- Objectives Ads identify
3- Allocation Ads identify
4- Strategic Ads identify that related to the following aspects :

      • The Ad means choice.
      • The Ad Message design
      • Adverting campaigns form identify
      • Ad campaign scheduling concerning the size and repetition.

5- Advertising campaign Implementation
6- Advertising campaign Follow-up and evaluate their results.